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The download link seems to be dead :(

I will have to upload it again there is a new version ready for upload

it cannot be installed directly through the app ?

I don’t know I use it via browser myself 

Hello, I try to launch the game but I do not have VR hardware and the game is trying to launch VR. And the game is not launching as it is blocked trying to launch VR. Any help please ?

it should just be a windows game mouse and keyboard or gamepad support

two questions: where can I find the keyboard control layout (game only shows controller), and where am I supposed to go when I start?  

i should push out a big update for this but it somewhat is evolving into a multiplayer project. There should be the keyboard control on the main title screen. its kinda open world in that once you take off (the floating ship in HQ) you pick a wormhole and find a planet there are like 18 paths to take. There are planets to land on and missions at each exit to the wormhole network. join us on discord for more info and play throughs


I like the progress, and consistent updates so far, looking forward to seeing the continuation of the game


Excited to see this released! Good job, it's been a journey

Hola, cuánto espacio ocupa en el disco duro y dónde está el enlace de descarga. Me gustaría saberlo antes de comprarlo. Gracias!

el enlace de descarga está arriba, el juego ocupa 8 gigabytes de espacio HD. Gracias por tu interés